Thank you for visiting Smuggling Grace.

I want to express my gratitude for everyone who visits, reads, subscribes, and cultivates conversations on this site. I am appreciative of your presence here. Thank you.

I write a variety of pieces each week and am committed to keeping my written content free of charge. But for those who would like to support this work financially, I offer opportunities to contribute. I work as a writer and a community connector. Your contribution helps maintain this site and enables me to craft words and connect people in meaningful ways.

If you would to support this work, you can join my Patreon for as little as $2 to $5 per month. Or if you’d like to give a gift of any size to support my writing, you can go to this link and donate: Support Smuggling Grace. I use these funds to provide shared meals, coffee, and conversational support to neighbors and friends in my local area.

I am deeply grateful for your support and encouragement.

Renee Roederer