Smuggling Grace

Grace. It is with us and among us.
Grace. It is love, gift, worth, and favor for us.
Grace. It is above us, behind us, and around us.
Grace. It is right here alongside us.

Grace. It precedes us.
Grace. It surpasses us.
Grace. It is apart from us,
God’s Good Gift.

Yet remarkably,
This Grace —
This with,
This among,
This above,
This behind,
This around,
This Grace,
This Very Grace!
God’s Good Gift,
It passes through us.

Day by day,
Minute by sacred minute,
We breathe it,
We carry it,
We shoulder it.
We smuggle it.

God, breathing life into the world,
breathes through us.
So with joy
let’s smuggle grace this very instant —
into ourselves,
into each other,
into this God-breathed world. . .

Friends, thank you for visiting Smuggling Grace. In this space, I hope you will find words that enrich and encourage you as we ponder and celebrate the many ways that grace finds us.

Together, we will celebrate grace as we value the human worth found within all of us, and we will challenge any assumption which claims some lives to be worth more than other lives.

Together, we will celebrate grace as we delight in joyful moments of surprise and new life, and we will challenge any assumption which seeks to diminish the abundance of these moments all around us.

Together, we will celebrate grace as we invite people to smuggle hope into their neighborhoods, and we will challenge any assumption that life and spirituality are to be practiced exclusively behind walls, whether confined to the walls of our sanctuaries or to walls of injustice.

We are called outward into our neighborhoods,
We are called to smuggle this grace.

Friends, thank you for visiting this space.
You are most welcome here.

Renee Roederer