Fixing The Whole System

[Public Domain Image]

This isn’t a perfect analogy, but…

Last Friday, our electricity shut off suddenly, and I was pretty surprised. 

On Wednesday, two days before, our region had a wind storm. All day long, the wind blew hard, causing trees and branches to fall on powerlines. At one point, 800,000 people in Southeast Michigan were without electricity.

But not us. We didn’t have any trees down in our yard, and our power stayed on. 

That is, until Friday. We were without electricity for 24 hours. 

It became clear that our electricity was shut off in order to fix the system and provide power to the other 800,000 people. I didn’t enjoy it. It was rather inconvenient.

But would I have preferred the opposite? That our electricity stayed on without interruption, causing others to never have theirs restored? That my neighbors would literally never have electricity again?

Of course not. The system needed to be fixed.

So why should I stand by unaffected in ways that. . .

. . . cause people to lose health care indefinitely?

. . . cause cities to lose access to clean drinking water?

. . . cause children to lose free lunches at schools?

Sometimes we have to fix the whole system.

Renee Roederer

One thought on “Fixing The Whole System

  1. Sometimes people who are not involved directly with the incident are also troubled, but the outcome is much bigger and people need to see the larger picture.


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